Focus Areas
Our comprehensive Lynbrook STEM (science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics) program, infused through course offerings, extracurricular
clubs, competitions, and research opportunities, is fueled by a
strong infrastructure of technology, Bio Tech and scientific lab equipment,
and a commitment to teacher professional development in the area of
educational technology integration to enhance student learning.
This year Lynbrook excellence helped fund various projects that further
unlock opportunities for innovative teaching and student learning. Some
of the stem projects funded by Lynbrook excellence include STEM
research work-stations, industry-standard micropippettes, dissecting
microscopes, 3D printer, scientific hot plates and electronic balances. The
dissecting microscopes and micropippettes have helped enhance the life
sciences curriculum for over 700 students this year alone by providing
a rich real-life lab learning experience. Students at Lynbrook have been
accepted into summer internships based on the experience and training
received in their classes with this bio-tech equipment.
Lynbrook excellence has also supported high level Cad and calculus
software, robotics design equipment and teacher team ipads that allow
teachers to foster inquiry and student problem-solving. All Lynbrook
students are using these stem technology tools in their classes, providing
them with hands-on experiences as they grapple with real-life questions,
reach meaningful solutions, and extend their thinking and research.
Arts & Humanities
Lynbrook had a thriving Arts & Humanities program that is multi-faceted and provides students
with endless opportunities for creative expression and deep learning. Lynbrook Excellence
has provided tools to the Humanities program that foster new ways for teachers to teach and
mentor students. The dynamic learning that has ensued provides students with opportunities for
intellectual curiosity and creative expression.
Learning through creative expression is seen in our Drama Department, where Lynbrook
Excellence funds have enabled the teacher to teach and mentor students in eliciting emotion
and ambiance through the use of lighting. While this experience was once limited to the use
of an auditorium and a small group of students, Lynbrook Excellence funds have brought this
learning to the classroom where students can explore the relationships between actors and their
audience through the use of creative expression through lighting and ambiance.
Chromebooks and digital voice recorders increase opportunities for students to practice and
hone skills, and receive feedback from their teachers. These tools are connecting students and
their teachers. In addition, the Chromebooks in the library increase opportunities for students
to collaborate with one another and conduct original research. The expansion of the non-fiction
ebooks in the library has been vital to supporting curriculum in the humanities departments and
providing students with resources to expand their learning beyond the classroom.
Throughout the Humanities program students are able to delve deep in their learning and
engage in creative expression with the guided support of their teachers.
With the support of Lynbrook Excellence, we have been able to significantly expand the
technology infrastructure at Lynbrook. The robust technology infrastructure at Lynbrook High
School is pivotal to our school programs. Our vast technology infrastructure provides teachers
and students with tools for innovative teaching and learning.
With a grant from Lynbrook Excellence, Lynbrook Network and Computer Support Specialist,
Mr. Toan Phuong, was able to reconfigure the computer lab, streamline the network and
provide much needed maintenance to the technology infrastructure Guided by the school’s
5 year technology plan, computers, labs, projectors, printers and equipment are on a regular
replacement cycle. By providing for support of our computer network and maintenance,
Lynbrook Excellence ensures that these technologies are well maintained and running efficiently
Another critical component of the technology infrastructure is providing professional
development for meaningful integration of technology to support and enhance student
learning. The iPad pilot program supported by Lynbrook Excellence has opened new ways for
teachers(English, World Language, Science) to collaborate with one another and expand their
repertoire of tools to teach.
Grants from Lynbrook Excellence also enabled the purchase of 60 Chromebook computers,
Simulation software for business department, digital recorders for World Language and software
for engineering technology department (AutoCAD).
Campus Wide Infrastructure
Lynbrook High School is focused on student learning, teaching excellence and providing
a high quality supportive environment. One key focus area for Lynbrook Excellence
is the expansion of the school’s technology and infrastructure that support all students.
This support permeates the campus, across all departments and programs.
There were many school wide infrastructure projects which were on the wish list for
many years. During, 2012-2013, with grants from Lynbrook Excellence many of these
projects got implemented.
Lynbrook Excellence supported a number of major campus infrastructure projects
including a powerful new audio system for the gym, a new audio and visual system for
the auditorium, a quad marquee, the construction of access facilities to the media lab
that expands its use to more LHS programs and the construction of 3D Art soldering
stations that allow students the creative design curriculum of jewelry and fabrication.
These outstanding campus improvements have expanded our programs and our
curriculum and will be used by generations of Lynbrook students.